Rise Up and Embrace our Blessings

We cannot change the past, but we can re-engineer the present with the right frame of mind.

You just may be as amazed as I was in how good life becomes for yourself and those around you!

Have you felt this way or heard others make a statement like this “What a tough day!”, What a horrible Day it has been! Or better stated, “How Many times have you felt this way or heard it said?”

I personally have said it, felt it and heard it more times than I want to admit. How selfish and naive I have been, how blind I have been in totally understanding and embracing my blessings and exuding the aura of grace, blessings and commitment to others and excellence.

I remain on the constantly learning path that in the past was so misguided by feelings like this. I am blessed and the blessings are foundational to how I try to live with intentionality. how did this mind set occur or has been reinforced?

The light bulb clicked, thanks to a friend who sent me the link below. I have learned what true love and commitment is all about, something that at times I still find hard to explain, but learning it is the actions that define Blessings, Commitment, Compassion, Love and amazing grace, at the same time, still being able to stay true to doing good business, treating others fairly and to be true to who I am.

Before I go any farther, watch this….     https://youtu.be/lwgr_IMeEgA

This was not a message of pity or being sorry, but a message of amazing love, compassion, commitment and joy. Let’s keep in perspective what a hard day is, what is really unfair, how tough life can be…. embracing our Blessings adds so my joy to our life.

As you watch, how did it make you feel? What was the message that you observed? Was the obvious and subtle message realized?

Reflection                                                   Intentionality                    

Commitment                                             Love

Adoration                                                  Temptation

Compassion                                               Care

Respect                                                      Blessing


In conclusion to this simple thought proving post……When you wake up tomorrow and the days to follow, stand in front of the mirror as you are getting ready for the day…say to yourself

“Thank you for another day and all that I have to be thankful! It going to be a great day to make a difference!”

Rise Up and Embrace our Blessings

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